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Mothers Of Preschoolers

MOPS is led by mothers and is designed to meet the needs of mothers with children ages birth through kindergarten.  Gatherings include breakfast, followed by a speaker, game, creative activity or projects.  There are also small discussion groups where moms have opportunities to share hopes, fears, ideas, and experiences with other moms, all while the children are being cared for in Mops Kids.  Registration Required.  For information, contact or join us at our registration event!

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More information from our leaders:

Hi moms!
Our first meet-up will be August 27, 2020 from 9:30-11:30 in the outdoor area near the church nursery. Please fill out our registration form beforehand to save some time.  There will be an outdoor play structure and activities on the grass for the kids so moms can talk with each other. Moms and children over 2 will be required to wear masks on the church's campus.

Here are some additional details about this upcoming year: We are planning to have three "gatherings" each month:

  • 2nd week of the month: a 7-9 p.m. evening meeting (Mom's Night) in the fellowship hall at church with limited childcare; bring your own meal; social distanced set-up for eating, masks to be worn when not eating; our group numbers will be below the 25% capacity allowed; This will be like our past meetings have been- with an activity, speaker, craft, or game.

  • 3rd week of the month: a 9:30-11:30 a.m. park playdate with social distancing or whatever guidelines the county/state has in place (school-age children welcome).

  • 4th week of the month: a 9:30-11:30 a.m. outdoor/event-based activity for moms and kids. For example: going to Riley's Farm at Oak Glen, the Annual Turkey Trot (short run) for kids, Christmas party, Easter Egg hunt. (school-age children allowed).

Our plans may change throughout the year dependent upon state and county guidelines. We hope our changes in scheduling will allow for more moms to attend and allow for community building within the group as a whole, especially since regular attendance with COVID-19 guidelines could be difficult. As an extra safety precaution, we will not have our potluck meals for meetings; rather you can bring a meal and drink to enjoy. We will be requiring all moms and children older than 2 to social distance or wear masks at events.

Registration for the entire year will be $50; We will be charging enough to cover each mom's MOPS International yearly fee, any activities, speaker, and craft. If everything gets shut down again, we will move to virtual meetings (Zoom). We are praying that doesn't happen, or only happens for a short period of time.

August 26

Gems Girls' Club

September 8

Oasis For Women Topical Bible Study