Los Angeles Wildfires Disaster Relief
to Apr 15

Los Angeles Wildfires Disaster Relief

  • CrossPoint Church Chino (map)
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CrossPoint is partnering with World Renew

World Renew is the relief agency of our denomination, the Christian Reformed Church. Disaster Response Services (DRS) is preparing to respond to the wildfires currently devastating the Los Angeles region and are in the initial stages of coordinating with officials and other organizations to plan a response that will assist survivors. World Renew DRS prioritizes the needs of those who are elderly, disabled, or living in lower-income communities, and helps them rebuild homes.

Donate now

Volunteer for the future rebuild

While the media’s attention to disasters ends after a few weeks, disaster survivors often face challenges for years to come. DRS may not be the first one to show up, as we do not provide immediate disaster relief, but often is the last to leave….read more.

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GriefShare at CrossPoint
to Mar 27

GriefShare at CrossPoint

  • CrossPoint Church Chino (map)
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Need Help Dealing with Grief?

The next session of GriefShare at CrossPoint begins on
Thursday, March 6 at 6 pm

GriefShare Grief & Loss Support Groups Are Here for You

At GriefShare you’ll receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and peace of mind. GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way.

Learn more about GriefShare here.

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Community Dinners
5:00 PM17:00

Community Dinners

Online registration is closed. Please call the church office (909.606.9833) or email Danny Unterkofler at dunterkofler@crosspointchino.org to see if space is available.

At CrossPoint, we believe life is better together. That’s why we’re inviting you to share a meal, stories, and life around the dinner table! You'll gather in the home of a CrossPoint family, where you’ll eat, laugh, and build community. Whether you come as a family, bring a friend, or join solo—you’ll always have a seat at the table.

When? Dinners are on Saturday, March 15 at 5 PM

Who? Anyone from CrossPoint. Sign up as a family, pair up with a friend, or go solo. All are welcome!

How? Sign up at Connection Point on Sundays or at the link below!

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CP Membership Gathering
12:00 PM12:00

CP Membership Gathering

CP Membership Gathering
Sunday, March 23 at 12:00 PM
You are welcome for a time of lunch and learning at the Mulder home, located just 5 minutes from CrossPoint. Find details and register below!

We’re excited to have you consider CrossPoint Church as your church home. Our membership gathering is the place to hear about what we believe God is doing through us in the world, in our community and in our church. It also provides us an opportunity to hear more about your story and learn how God can use you as an important part of the CrossPoint family.

The gathering will include lunch, CrossPoint staff interactions, and learning about the significance of church membership. After the gathering, you will be able to decide to affirm moving ahead with becoming a member at CrossPoint. Then, at the next New Member Celebration Service, we’ll celebrate all of our new members.

We are looking forward to spending time with you and we can’t wait to get to know you better. We are excited that God has brought you to CrossPoint and will continue to pray for His good and perfect plan for your life!

If you would like to attend the gathering, please fill out the form below and we will send you a confirmation reminder with additional details and answer any additional questions you may have. Children are welcome but we are not able to provide onsite childcare.

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Stations of The Cross
6:00 AM06:00

Stations of The Cross

The stations posters are installed during the season of Lent in the CrossPoint worship center and you can walk through at any time. Find our guided devotional by station 1 near the back center entrance doors.

Dedicated Stations of the Cross during Holy Week will be on Wednesday, April 16 from 7:30 AM-8:30 PM.

We invite you to a time of reflection at the Stations of the Cross. Christianity has always held the death and resurrection of Jesus as the most central part of the story of God. The Stations of the Cross began with early Christians retracing Jesus’ final steps in Jerusalem up to the hill where He was crucified. During this season of Lent, we reflect on the cross as we look forward to Easter. The stations in the worship center have elements, ideas, and objects from Jesus’ journey during Holy Week. Come to be renewed at the foot of the cross.

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Easter At CrossPoint
9:30 AM09:30

Easter At CrossPoint

We’re looking forward to celebrating Easter with you!

Our service begins at 9:30 am and you do not want to miss the opening trumpet call! We have plenty of parking, but come early to allow time to get inside and find a seat. When you arrive at CrossPoint Church, look for the orange welcome signs to guide you into the parking lot and building!

On Easter Sunday, children ages 5 and older are in worship with us; we have lots of kids here and we will provide an activity bag for them during service. CP Littles nursery is provided for ages 0-5 with secure check-in and certified childcare staff.

After the service, join us for the egg hunt and stay for fellowship with our community. We can’t wait to see you on Easter Sunday!

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Women's Adventure Weekend 2025
to Apr 27

Women's Adventure Weekend 2025

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The annual Women’s Adventure is April 24-27, 2025!

We’re staying local; both camping and a day trip option are offered at Rancho Jurupa Regional Park, just 40 minutes from CrossPoint. Event registration is required.

Women’s Adventure Weekend is a getaway designed to recharge, build friendships, and celebrate life’s adventures together! Participants can explore the great outdoors, connect with others, and do activities like a hike to the cross at Mt. Rubidoux, walking trails, biking, rock painting, lawn games, pickleball, and mini or disc golf.

Day Trip Option on Saturday, April 26
$40/person includes a shirt, entrance into the park, lunch and dinner. Arrive by 8:30AM and stay through dinner!

Camping Option and Reservations Details
RV and tent camping is available at Rancho Jurupa! Reserve your campsite through Bethany Wiekamp (3 spots left, first come first serve!) or reserve your site online in the Cottonwood Campground section at https://reserve.rivcoparks.org/rancho-jurupa/camping

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Men's Adventure Weekend 2025
to May 4

Men's Adventure Weekend 2025

Men’s Adventure Frequently Asked Questions

Men’s Adventure Campground Layout

Men’s Adventure is heading to Bishop for a weekend of biking, hiking, jeeping, fishing, golfing and some great food and fellowship. Please join us, all are welcome!

What: camping, fishing, mountain & road biking, hiking, golfing, hot springing, skiing, archery, horse-shoeing, off-road driving and connecting with God and other men.

When: Thursday, May 1- Sunday, May 4

Where: Pleasant Valley Campground - Sierra Nevada Mountains 8 miles north of Bishop, east of the 395 Map Address: Pleasant Valley Dam Road and Chalk Bluff Road, Bishop, CA 93514

Cost: $85 You must purchase your own fishing license. Additional fees for golf.

-Cost includes campsite, T-shirt, breakfasts, lunches and dinners
-Bring your own tent, tent-trailer, or trailer/motor home or make arrangements at a local hotel
-If the cost is a problem, please talk to John Roeda or a committee member.

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Prayer Experience
8:00 AM08:00

Prayer Experience

Prayer Experience

Earnestly Seeking God: The Prayer Experience
Practice the core value of the spiritual discipline of prayer to draw into a closer relationship with the Lord. Begin the day with prayer together and move into a time of individual solitude and prayer around the CP campus.

Participants are invited to fast prior to the Prayer Retreat Experience. You may choose to skip breakfast that morning.  We will finish our time together by breaking our fast together. You may also choose to skip one or more meals the day before.

“Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually!” I Chronicles, 16:11

When: Saturday, March 8 | 8 AM-10 AM

Where: CrossPoint Fellowship Hall

What: Begin the day with prayer together and move into a time of individual solitude and prayer

Details: Bring your Bible.
Childcare is NOT available.

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Ash Wednesday Service
6:45 PM18:45

Ash Wednesday Service

You’re invited

We invite you to our Ash Wednesday service on March 5 at CrossPoint. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, our 40-day journey with Jesus, which culminates with his crucifixion on Good Friday, and ultimately, his victorious resurrection on Easter Sunday.
We hope you will join us from 6:45-7:45 PM in the Worship Center.

Note: Cadets, GEMS, CPYouth and other Wednesday night groups will meet; service will begin after drop off and end before pick up. CPYouth will attend the Ash Wednesday service together instead of regular programming.

Why celebrate Ash Wednesday?

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Celebrating 25 Years with ASJ
6:30 PM18:30

Celebrating 25 Years with ASJ

25 years of working together for justice!

You're invited to a celebration of ASJ's 25th anniversary!

We’re gathering at the Student Center at CrossPoint Church to share stories, enjoy great food, and celebrate the incredible impact we’ve made together.

Come out for tacos and to hear from a variety of speakers, including Dineyla Erazo who will be coming from Honduras to share why the work of ASJ matters to her and her family.

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High School Winter Camp 2025
to Feb 2

High School Winter Camp 2025

  • CrossPoint Church Chino (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


DATES: JANUARY 31 - February 2, 2025

Location: Forest Home Camp ( 40000 Valley of the Falls Drive Forest Falls, CA 92339)

Ready to slide down a snow-covered tube run? Encounter Jesus? Deepen friendships with students in your youth group?

High School Winter Camp is THE place for your 9-12th grade students to get away from the academic and social pressures and instead focus on their identity in Christ and place in God’s family of believers.
During a 3-day weekend of camp running Friday through Sunday, students will discover who God has made them to be through teaching from God’s Word, small group discussions, and worship.

Of course, no Winter Camp is complete without the fun! Creative games and interactive team challenges ensure there is never a dull moment. Campers have the freedom to explore the many seasonal recreation options at Forest Home all weekend long. Campers will enjoy living in community, making new friends, and creating memories that will give them confidence as they navigate the changes and challenges that high school so often bring.


Winter Camp cost is $319 (scholarships are available when serving at the Fall Festival)
Pay your deposit of $50 to secure your spot.

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Discover Your SHAPE Class
11:00 AM11:00

Discover Your SHAPE Class

Discover your SHAPE Class

Sunday, January 26 at 11:00 AM with Danny Unterkofler, Pastor of Community Life

One of our core values is being equipped for ministry, but what does that mean practically? Find out why and how you are uniquely created to use your spiritual gifts in service to God and His church!

The Discover Your SHAPE survey and class are designed to help you understand your gifts, personality and experiences. Lean into your calling; take the survey and attend the Discovery class on January 26.

Childcare is available.
Register to take the survey at crosspointchino.org/growth

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Financial Peace University
7:00 PM19:00

Financial Peace University

FPU Class begins soon! Session one of nine begins on
Thursday, January 30 at 6:30 PM in the Student Center.
Register and get the details:
Register now for Financial Peace University At CrossPoint
Free childcare in the CrossPoint nursery is available. You must register here for childcare.

The one session FPU refresher is on Thursday, January 23 at 6:30 PM in the Student Center.
Register here for the FPU Refresher

Never worry about money again with Financial Peace University! It’s the proven plan to help you master budgeting, beat debt, and live the wild generosity of your dreams! Through nine lessons rooted in biblical wisdom, you’ll learn from Dave Ramsey and his team of financial experts.

Registration on the Ramsey website is required to attend.
Childcare registration on the CrossPoint form is required for childcare.

Questions? Contact the CrossPoint Office.

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January Series
to Jan 31

January Series

The award-winning January Series of Calvin University is coming to Chino. From Jan. 20 through Jan. 31, 2025, CrossPoint Church will be one of 60 remote webcast locations worldwide to broadcast one of the nation’s leading lecture and cultural arts series.

For a full list of speakers and topics, visit www.calvin.edu/january

The January Series lectures will be video streamed live at CrossPoint Church (6950 Edison Ave, Chino, California 91710) from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. PST Monday through Friday. The lectures are free and open to the public.

 About the January Series
Started in 1988, the January Series is an annual, award-winning, 15-day lecture series that exists to cultivate deep thought and conversations about important issues of the day in order to inspire cultural renewal and better equip global citizens in God’s world. The series is free and open to the public. Join this year’s conversations and revisit previous talks at www.calvin.edu/january.

About Calvin University

Founded in 1876, Calvin University is a top-ranked, liberal arts institution that equips its 3,600 students from 45 U.S. states, 63 countries, and six Canadian provinces to think deeply, to act justly, and to live wholeheartedly as Christ’s agents of renewal in the world. Calvin is proud to offer 100+ majors and programs, including graduate-level offerings in accounting, education, and speech pathology and audiology. Calvin students engage in intensive internships, community-based service learning, and significant research that results in publishing and presenting alongside world-class faculty.

 And the university’s 400-acre campus, located in the vibrant city of Grand Rapids, Michigan, serves as a launching pad for students who, in any given year, participate in 40 faculty-led off-campus programs on six different continents. Discover more at www.calvin.edu.


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Fall Festival
4:00 PM16:00

Fall Festival

We can’t wait for another fun fall festival at CrossPoint!
You can just come for the fun or help us with this event in a variety of ways.
See you there on October 26, invite your friends and neighbors to the this free family friendly community event!

Online volunteer registration is now closed, but please call the office and speak to Pastor Kaylyn if you would like to volunteer! 909.606.9833.

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Experience Rooted
4:00 PM16:00

Experience Rooted

Register for Rooted today!

Fall session begins Sunday, September 15 and meets most Sundays from 4:00-5:30 PM for 10 weeks. Childcare is provided.


“I got way more out of it than I expected!”
“I was challenged.”
“Deep friendships formed in our group.”
This is what participants from CrossPoint have said about Rooted and these are the kinds of things you’ll experience when you join.

For more information and to read stories about the impact of Rooted, go to: www.experiencerooted.com/stories

Rooted was a wonderful opportunity for me to explore and deepen the foundation/”roots” of my faith in a small group setting. -Kathy

I found the “Rooted” series to be an excellent review of the Scriptural basics of having a relationship with Jesus. One of the sections that really blessed me was Week 8 ---which deals with “How God views money.” The model of “Give, Save and Spend” was a great refresher on the importance of letting Christ rule over our finances. It is amazing what we can do when we stop by Starbucks less, brew our own coffee, and place the money we would have spent into a jar/piggybank ---then watch it increase and invest it in Kingdom work! By paying attention to how we spend our discretionary income, we can make a huge impact for CrossPoint Church and the cause of Jesus in the Chino area and the world. Every penny makes a big difference for the Lord. -Dan

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Starting Point
11:00 AM11:00

Starting Point

Are you new to CrossPoint?

If you are new to CrossPoint, we’re making a place for you. It’s called Starting Point, and it’s happening on Sunday, September 8 in the conference room.

Hosted by Pastor Danny Unterkofler, it's a short time together after the service to learn more about the history of CrossPoint, our vision for ministry, and what makes us tick.

Note: No sign-up needed.

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Fall Ministry Fair 2024
11:00 AM11:00

Fall Ministry Fair 2024

Fall Ministry Fair 2024

We're excited to present the ministry opportunities for the fall. Each ministry will have a table, so please go through the fair to learn more! This year, we want to challenge you to look for a place to SERVE and a place to ENGAGE in growing your faith as we RENEW our community life together. We are confident that God will do great things through you and for you in this ministry season

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Congregational Meeting
4:00 PM16:00

Congregational Meeting

Each spring, CrossPoint holds meetings to review the proposed yearly ministry budget and for the opportunity to ask questions about ministry direction. Join us to hear how God is working through CrossPoint!

You are invited to attend the Congregational Meeting that includes ministry updates, approval of the 2024-25 budget, and selection of new elders and deacons.

Agenda and proposed budget were sent via email with copies available at reception. Want to get our emails? Email info@crosspointchino.org.

Congregational meeting

Sunday, May 19 at 4 PM, Worship Center

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Global 6K for Water
9:00 AM09:00

Global 6K for Water

Hello World Vision Global 6K Participant!

The week is finally here! This Saturday, May 18, is the World Vision Global 6K race at CrossPoint! We are so excited that you have chosen to partner with World Vision to make a difference in the life of a child. So many children will now have access to clean water (153 children so far), thanks to your willingness to participate in this event! It is going to be a wonderful morning—you will certainly be blessed as you walk, run or roll!

Just a few details and reminders before Saturday:

  • Enter CrossPoint's (6950 Edison Ave, Chino, 91710) parking lot from one of the Fern entrances (green arrows on the map below). Both the Euclid and Edison entrances will be closed for the race. Park along the most north or west parking rows (in the green boxes on the map below) and then head to the courtyard/fountain area to check in.

  • Check in is from 8:00 am to 8:45

  • Announcements are from 8:45-9

  • We will start the race at 9! We will be racing around the church property on a clearly marked course. This will make it oh-so-fun to cheer you on and make it convenient for you to use the restrooms if needed.

  • Wear the orange World Vision shirt you received in the mail along with the bib of the child you are racing for. If you didn’t receive your shirt in time, any orange shirt will do (but you don’t have to wear orange either)!

  • When you check in, you will receive a colored arm band based on the speed at which you anticipate you will complete the race at. These colors will help us line you up at the start line, which will space us out along the course.

    1. If you plan to run the whole race, you will receive an orange arm band.

    2. If you plant to run and walk, you will receive a blue arm band.

    3. If you plant to walk the whole race, you will receive a white arm band.

  • Reminders: No bikes, dogs or roller skates/blades. Only strollers and scooters allowed for children.

  • There will be a light lunch served after the race as well as a photo booth and yard games set up for you to enjoy.

We are so excited to see you on Saturday!

clean water changes everything

Join thousands of people across the globe in our mission to bring life-changing clean water and fullness of life to children in communities around the world.

Walk, run, or roll* with us at the World Vision Global 6K for Water.

Each registration provides lasting clean water to a child, like the child on your race bib!

*child joggers and strollers or scooters for young children allowed, no bicycles please-see a team leader for questions.

The course will be on the CrossPoint campus.

You can make an impact in many ways! Here’s how:

  1. Join the 6K team!

  2. Support the team fundraising with a pledge for clean water

  3. Volunteer to help at the event (cheer team, water station, traffic control, etc.)

  4. Pray for and encourage team members

Let’s go farther together!

Global 6K Basics

What is the World Vision Global 6K for Water?
It’s an event where people from all around the world come together to walk, run, or roll a 6K on the same day, for the same cause: clean water.
Why 6K?
6 kilometers (3.73 miles) is the average distance people in developing countries walk every day for water that is often unsafe to use or drink. On May 18, every step you take is one they won’t have to!
Why $50?
Every $50 registration fee will equip one person in need with lasting access to clean water through World Vision projects. And thanks to generous donors, participants age 18 and under can register for $25. All participants will receive a shirt, medal and bib in the mail for race day. The shirts are orange (per World Vision, the color of hope) and each bib is unique as they have the name, age and photo of the child you are individually running or walking for. 

Who is World Vision?
World Vision is the leading nongovernmental provider of clean water in the developing world. We reach one new person every 10 seconds and three more schools every day with clean water, and we’re committed to reaching everyone, everywhere we work by 2030.

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Easter At CrossPoint
9:30 AM09:30

Easter At CrossPoint

We’re looking forward to celebrating Easter with you!

Our service begins at 9:30 am and you do not want to miss the opening trumpet call! We have plenty of parking, but come early to allow time to get inside and find a seat. When you arrive at CrossPoint Church, look for the orange welcome signs to guide you into the parking lot and building!

On Easter Sunday, children ages 5 and older are in worship with us; we have lots of kids here and we will provide an activity bag for them during service. CP Littles nursery is provided for ages 0-5 with secure check-in and certified childcare staff.

After the service, join us for the egg hunt and stay for fellowship with our community. We can’t wait to see you on Easter Sunday!

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9:00 AM09:00


Saturday, March 16 from 9 AM-4 AM
CrossPoint Church in Chino, CA
Cost: $15

Click here to register today!

IF: 2024 is a local in-person livestreamed event, a replay of the IF:Gathering held in Dallas this February. Your $15 registration supports IF; Saturday lunch, snacks and beverages will be provided by CrossPoint Church Women’s Ministry.

What is IF:2024?

At IF:2024, we want to create the opportunity for you to experience Jesus. We want you to remember His character, power, mystery, love and delight. Jesus is our friend, our King, our reason to live fully alive. He fills our longings. He heals our wounds. He saves us from ourselves. He gives us hope when everything else fails us. As we look at the last ten years and onto the next ten, we can’t deny that all of this is because of Jesus.

IF:2024 is a space for us to remember who Jesus is and why we love him. For two days, let’s rediscover the person of Jesus, who is alive and wants to take us on an adventure toward full life. And then, let’s go give Him away to the whole world.

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CP Missions Night
6:30 PM18:30

CP Missions Night

Join us for a time to hear stories from our
winter mission teams of what God did in India (Harvest India) and Kenya (Mizpah Ministries + Mission of Hope International).

WHEN: Sunday, March 10
WHERE: Fellowship Hall TIME: 6:30 PM

Coffee and dessert will be served.

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Easter Lily Memorials
to Mar 25

Easter Lily Memorials

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The Endowment Committee invites you to celebrate Easter by remembering a loved one with a donation to the Endowment Fund.  Your donation will build a Legacy of Faith and provide for the continued ministry of CrossPoint Church. 

To order and pay online, please fill out the form above.

To order and pay by check or cash, please come to the Lily Endownment Table on Sunday, March 17 or Sunday, March 24. You may also get a form from the CrossPoint reception desk during the week.

Thank you for your support of the Endowment Fund! Learn more about the CrossPoint Endowment Fund and what it is used for here:
The CP Endowment Fund

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