Investing in the next generation to be equipped for ministry

In 2005, CrossPoint members paved the way for our ministries today through building our current space, with plenty of room to grow. As God continues to bless us with new families from our community, how will we invest in the next generation to be equipped for ministry?

In November 2023, the three CrossPoint congregations passed a motion to move forward on the fundraising and construction documents for a new ministry building, and to build when necessary funds are available. In February 2024, the three congregations voted on the motion to approve the sale of the 2.9 acre land parcel owned by CrossPoint and to use those sale proceeds for the construction of a new ministry building on campus. The motion was affirmed by 83% of CrossPoint members.

In October 2024, the three congregations voted on the motion to approve a lot line adjustment that would add approximately .5 – .7 acre to the sale of the 2.9 acre land parcel owned by CrossPoint and to use those sale proceeds for the construction of a new ministry building on campus. The motion was affirmed by 91% of CrossPoint voting members.

Thank you to all who have asked important questions, attended meetings, voted, generously donated, and prayerfully considered the next steps in this project. We look forward to the new opportunities this decision will bring as we continue to grow together, trusting in God’s plan for our church's future and ministry impact in our community. We’re excited to see what God will do in the next phase of Carrying On The Vision.

The Vision Campaign has received $1,592,635 total in gifts and pledges to date. We're so grateful for your wholehearted generosity. If you haven’t had the opportunity to give, you can join the campaign now and give at the pledge link below.

October 2024 Update Meeting

This meeting focused on updates related to CrossPoint Church’s new ministry building and ongoing plans for land development and funding.
Floor plan layout and elevations (most current)
View the recorded presentation (with slides)
View the presentation slides
Read the presentation summary notes and Q & A
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See the Presentation

Building Project Q & A

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Crosspoint Ministry Building

Proposed Building Plans


Building featureS

• 26 classrooms of varying size
• Family room
• Nursery area
• 2 large group gathering spaces
• Storage and small kitchen
• Adult and child sized restroom facilities

proposed floor plans

* These are proposed floor plans; subject to changes for final design.

CP Ministry Building-First Floor

CP Ministry Building-Second Floor

Join us on the journey


Here are some ways you might consider praying:

  • Pray for the people – our building committee, elders, CPkids, CPlittles, GEMS, Cadets, and Youth ministry leaders, and staff.

  • Pray for our congregation – wise stewardship, ongoing faithfulness, and patience during the process.