A Lenten Journey with Jesus

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, our 40-day journey with Jesus, which culminates with his crucifixion on Good Friday, and ultimately, his victorious resurrection on Easter Sunday. It has historically been a time for the Church to prepare for Christ's death on the cross for our salvation.

During the season of Lent, we invite you to participate with CrossPoint in daily spiritual disciplines through the Lenten Journey Calendar. We commit to earnestly seeking God together. We will sabbath, meditate, pray, worship, read scripture, fast, and sacrifice. We do this not only for our own growth, but ultimately for the glory of God and the blessing of others. We also commit to resting in the finished work of Christ on our behalf and when we fail in our commitments, we will lean on our faithful Savior.

Read more about Lent history and practice:
What is Lent and why do we celebrate it? from the Worship Sourcebook
Lent and the Reformed Faith Today by John D. Witvliet

What Is Ash Wednesday? by Tim VandeGriend
Why Ash Wednesday? by Tim VandeGriend
Watch our Ash Wednesday service here